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How It Works
To properly run the hack, follow the instructions and steps.
click here
If you are not hwid banned, please follow the cheat injections steps below. You will not need to enable the spoofer.
If you wish to use the spoofer; please check the extra tips for the spoofer under step 10
Be sure to have Battle NET closed on this stage or the loader will not continue and self close.
Extract and open the Hush loader as an administrator.
A command prompt should become visible. From here paste the serial key you have obtained from the shop and then press Enter.
*A confirmation is given right after, please do press any button to confirm the key load.
The loader will give you a few options to you.
First, you have to load the driver. Type "1" and press enter.
The loader will request to reboot your PC. Type "1" and press enter to continue.
Then choose "No" for the spoofer option by typing "0".
Note: If you are hwid banned, and you need to use the spoofer; please check the extra spoofer steps under step 10
After that, Let it reboot your PC, it will take longer than normal as its running stuff and windows sees it as a new device so it takes some time for drivers to get installed again. Wait up to 10 min (usually just a min or two) for it to boot if it seems stuck. If still stuck, reboot pc and make sure you've got any un-needed usbs plugged in remove them (leave in stuff like storage, mouse adapter, etc) , check to be sure youre in uefi mode in bios as well as CSM being disabled.
Once your PC reboot, run the loader again as an administrator, and this time choose "Start Injector" by typing "2" and then press enter.
*The loader will confirm your operation with the following message. and then remain on standby until you proceed with the next step.
Notes: Using the spoofer or not, you will be always redirected to this step from the image right side.
Once you have finished the above step with the loader, proceed to open the game and when you reach the game lobby / warzone or multiplayer, press the BUTTON F5 one time to begin the injection to the game. (Press F5 INGAME, NOT AT THE LOADER COMMAND PROMPT).
The menu should appear to you on the left side of the screen.
Operate with it the button DELETE to open/close it and clicking on the options to customize to your liking.
Open up Hush loader as admin.
Enable Hyper-V in loader (just once for your first time unless it disables itself somehow)
Clean traces in loader. (you can just do this after spoofing, but I do it before & after)
(If on cheat loader, hit Load Driver, and yes to spoof) Run spoof option, choose pin 4-6 digits long. (you have to remember this pin)
Let it reboot your PC, it will take longer than normal as its running stuff and windows sees it as a new device, so it takes some time for drivers to get installed again. Wait up to 10 min (usually just a min or two) for it to boot if it seems stuck. If still stuck, reboot pc and make sure you've got any un-needed usbs plugged in remove them (leave in stuff like storage, mouse adapter, etc) , check to be sure you're in uefi mode in bios as well as CSM being disabled.
After reboot, do check the SEIRALS. For some people it will reboot mid-spoof and you'll end up not spoofed. Use this, to check serials before & copy paste them into a text document. After spoofing run the checker again and compare serials.
Open Hush loader once more and hit ‘clean traces’, after that you're all good. (Run injector here if you're using the cheats & follow loader direction from there!)
0xc0000008 error? you need to make sure hyper V is enabled in windows features and you enable it in the loader. Then reboot your pc and run the driver again.
Few tips regarding the options – Understanding the meaning of each option.
It is the FOV setting for target lock (the higher, the less close the gun angle has to be to the target for the aimbot to activate); The aimbot will use this setting to alter the FOV dynamically based on the enemy’s distance. (I.e. if the enemy is right in front of you, the FOV will basically take up the whole screen. If they are 1000m away , the FOV becomes tiny so that you have to aim close to the enemy target so that the aimbot understands that’s the enemy you want to snipe).
Max Distance:
The measure is done in meters, where the aimbot reacts
It is (pixels/sec X 10) , linked to the lock delay option.
Lock Delay:
Affects the acceleration time from 0 to max speed (determine by the speed slider). The aimbot will aim instantly but accelerate from 0-Max speed instead of not aiming at all)
Smoothing Radius (a radius in pixels around the target):
Tells the aimbot when to slow down when it reaches close enough to the target bone. (Smoothing off/smoothing 0 can lead to mouse stutter). If you want a minimum smoothing then you should try a setting of at least 5)
Auto scan:
The aimbot will select the next available bone, independent of your original bone selection.
Gravity Constant:
affects the bullet drop algorithm. Should not be changed unless the user finds that when sniping long distance the bullets are either too high or too low)